The Fraunhofer Venture CoLab Partner Network

“We live in the age of collaboration…no one can do it alone anymore”

We are convinced that the only way for us to foster the development of young technology companies is if all the parties involved in the startup ecosystem work together. 

Our aim is to support high-tech startups from every angle by building stable and successful partnerships with investors, accelerators, incubators, and industry.

Does this sound like your bag and would you like to discuss how you could benefit from a partnership?

If so, get in touch with us! 


Here’s a foretaste of what you could get from a partnership:

  • Gain access to innovative business models and application scenarios for your technology
  • Become part of the founder ecosystem and the Fraunhofer Venture network
  • Receive financial support and assistance with the methodology for implementing technology transfer
  • Receive assistance with spin-off activities and licensing
  • Gain the opportunity to collaborate with startups and apply their agile methods